Modern Style Electric Fireplaces

modern style electric fireplaces

Modern style electric fireplaces are a great way to bring warmth and coziness to your home. They come in many styles to complement the decor of any room and offer a safe alternative to real fires. Some are small and portable, resembling a stylish space heater, while others are more substantial, looking more like a traditional fireplace with a mantel and a TV mounted above it. Whether you want to add a touch of luxury or simply create a cozy spot for watching TV, these fireplaces are an affordable and easy option.

Unlike older models that used LED screens to replicate flames, newer electric fireplaces use high-resolution video projection to achieve an incredibly realistic effect. MagikFlame, for example, uses patented technology created for Hollywood special effects to create the best modern electric fireplace. This allows the holographic flames to appear on top of faux-wood logs and flickering embers, making it one of the most realistic-looking options available. Other companies, such as Dimplex, have also developed advanced technologies that make their electric fireplaces look more lifelike.

The design of the fireplace also helps to improve its realism. For example, some of these fireplaces have a clear front panel that allows you to see the flames and logs from all angles. This means you can even place them in rooms with dark walls without worrying about glare. Many of these models also feature adjustable flame and ember bed settings, so you can customize the appearance to suit your preferences.

Another benefit of these modern electric fireplaces is their low operating costs. Compared to wood-burning fireplaces, these fireplaces can save you up to 90 percent on your energy bills. They also operate with minimal noise and do not produce any harmful emissions, which makes them a good choice for homes with children or pets.

Some of these electric fireplaces are designed to serve as a modern TV stand. They can hold a flat-screen television on the lower shelf and have plenty of storage space for decor and other belongings. They can also be wall-mounted or recessed for easy installation and are CSA certified. Some of these units are simple to operate, with just two switches: one for the flames and one for heat. Others are more complex and have a remote control for increased versatility.

A lot of people choose to use their electric fireplace as a TV surround because it makes their living room look more elegant and refined. They can also save on installation costs by avoiding the expense of installing a custom mantel. Unlike other electric fireplaces, these units typically don’t require a chimney, and they can be placed directly in front of a TV to avoid the risk of damage.

If you want a sleek and contemporary design, opt for an electric fireplace that features a sleek glass front panel. This model comes in a variety of colors to match any room, and it is available in both wall-mount and recessed configurations. It is also a smart option, with customizable settings and WiFi compatibility.